Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Single Now but...NOT for Long!

We’re so excited to be writing a guest piece for Too Cute for Mom Jeans. It’s fantastic to be allowed loose on someone else’s blog however there is a problem. You need to think about what you write. Now I’m a guy, who runs a dating site or two…I know very little about moms…So I looked at what we had in common. Hint - it’s always in the title. I love people who are too cute for moms jeans!

So with that in mind Singles Warehouse, the place to meet singles in the United States is going to give some fantastic top tips for moms who are getting back into the dating pool. We hope you like them and would love to hear your comments.

Top Tip 1: Pick the right time

If you’ve just come out of a relationship or possibly not quite over the situation then it’s probably not the right time to start dating again. You need to give yourself time to heal so that when a new partner enters your life they have a chance to dazzle you and make you happy.

Top Tip 2: Pick the right picture

OK we all know you are too cute for mom jeans however there is one dating site no no. Your first picture needs to be one of just you. Leave the little ones out of it (for the moment). Trust needs to be built up before you show any potential pictures to a date. Also they need to get to know you first. Never lie about having children (why would anyone want to right?) but there is no need to have a picture publicly available for people to download.

Top Tip 3: Respond to all messages

It’s a well known fact that pictures on a profile increase it’s interaction level by about 10 times what it would have been before. What that means is that you will be bombarded with messages. Try your best to respond to all of them. Sure not everyone will be what you are looking for but by responding you give the chance of conversation to show other sides of the person.

Top Tip 4: Do a search

Simple right? Online dating sites have great search functions. If you are looking to chat to single parents then consider just ticking that box. You’ve signed up after all, you might as well give it a shot.

So there you have it, 4 tips for moms getting back into dating. We hope you’ve enjoyed them and would love to hear from you.


Nikki said...

Cute post & i love the title! You did good to be a guy writing a post for moms. :)

WhatJeanLikes said...

Wow! Like the guy's point of view!!

I'm a brand new follower. Love the blog title and loved this guest post! :)

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