Monday, January 23, 2012

Twenty-Three Days in...

Sound the trumpets this my first "real blog" of the new year. As you've been following I've taken on a Blog Dare and am happy to report that I haven't fallen more than a few days behind at most; hence multiple posts on the same day. But that's neither here nor there...

As I thought about how I wanted to approach my first post I wanted to find just the right mix of inspirational wit, it's kind of my thing or at least in the making; whatever...just go with it. Like most of us I did ponder some new years resolutions I'm happy to report I've hit full-grown adulthood being that weight loss didn't even register on my radar [insert happy "not-yet-at-ideal-weight" dance]. The way I see it I've been fatter and I know what I need to do. I'll be honest I'm mulling over re-joining Weight Watchers but in true procrastinator form [i.e. the deadline to join free isn't until March] I'm going to do a little more mulling. I don't want to sign up for failure. I became a scale obessed monster and even though I was feeling great and seeing a difference not having the scale reflect that was unacceptable. I want to set a realistic goal and commit to allowing the pounds to shed how they shed.

Last year I decided instead of resolutions I would pick a word and use that to motivate me towards becoming a better Vanessa. I failed miserably however this year I'm giving it another go and my word is: thankful. It's easy to forget how much I have to be thankful for when things get tough or I'm in the middle of throwing a temper tantrum. I've already had moments where I've been able to reflect and see what I have to be thankful for; the goal however is to go there first as opposed to doing it in hindsight.

As a parent it seems only appropriate to pick a word and it's going to be patience. I've got an independent, fiesty, trouble maker on my hands and the only way we'll both live to tell about it is with lots of the "p-word." Mothering a two year old requires an infinite supply...

23 days down. Only 343 to go [it's a leap year, an extra day to get it right!]


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